Ketona's nutritional composition and ingredient profile are very unique in the world of kibble. But the process we use to make it is not. We employ garden-variety extrusion processing, the same method used to make essentially all other kibble products sold in the United States today.
The process is like producing meat-infused nubs of pasta. Ingredients are mixed together, then heated up using steam so that they all bind together (the maximum temperature reached is a bit under 300 F, so lower than most baking done in a kitchen oven), then cut into individual nuggets, and dried out to remove the moisture and make the nuggets shelf-stable. Voila.
Every batch that we make is produced in the United States. Most of it is made in Kansas but some of it is made in factories in Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Missouri.
The majority of our ingredients also come from the United States. All the chickens used in our formula are raised in the U.S. by American ranchers. The salmon used in our recipes is farmed in Chile.
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